Είναι εκπληκτικό πόσο γρήγορα αλλάζει η τεχνολογία, ακόμη και σε διάστημα έξι μηνών. Μπορείτε όμως να φανταστείτε πόσο έχει αλλάξει εδώ και δεκαετίες; Το Timeline of Educational Technology in Schools Infographic δείχνει πώς έχει εξελιχθεί η εκπαιδευτική τεχνολογία στα σχολεία τα τελευταία 114 χρόνια. • 1900 - 1920 - Age of the One-room Schoolhouse • 1923 - Radios were introduced to classrooms; major cities established classroom instruction on radios - penmanship,accounting, history and arithmetic were included • 1930s - overhead projectors initially used for US military training purposes quickly spread to schools • 1933 - 52% of schools were using silent films and 3% were using sound films • 1939 - the first TV appeared in a classroom in LA; now the most widely used technology in schools.• 1950 - Headphones became popular in schools and stations used to listen to audio tapes were dubbed ‘language labs’. • 1964 - BASIC developed at Dartmouth College with the intent to give students a simple programming language that was easy-to-learn. • 1967 - Texas Instruments develops the handheld calculator • 1967 - LOGO programming language developed • 1972 - Scantron - automatically graded multiple choice examples • 1973 - The Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (later Corporation), most commonly known as MECC was founded creators of Lemonade Stand (‘73) and Oregon Trail (‘74)• 1984 - The Apple Macintosh computer is developed. The ration of computers to students in US schools is 1 - 92 • 1985 - Touch typing software Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is developed and popularized in schools • 1988 - laptops are developed and are eventually utilized as teaching tools • 1990 - CD-ROM disks became the new kind of storage • 1992 - Schools are use Gopher servers to provide students with online information • 1994 - According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), about 35% of American public schools had Internet access • 1995 - Most CAI is delivered on CD-ROM disks and is growing in popularity • 1996 - Faculty create instructional web pages • 1999 - SMART boards introduced in schools • 2001 - 80% of schools with internet access offered professional development training for teachers for integrating technology into classrooms. • 2002 - 99% of schools had internet access • 2009 - 1 computer for every 5.3 students in US schools • 2010 - 1 wireless device for every 3.4 students in US schools • 2011 - 80% of children under 5 use internet daily in the US • 2012 - 1.5 million iPads provided by schools• 2013 - 90% of students under the age of 18 have access to mobile technology.